Redeem using a generic QRCode scanner

Almost any QRCode scanner will work on almost any iPhone, Android, WindowsPhones and even some BlackBerrys!  These days, most smartphones have a QRCode reader built into the camera.

To redeem using a generic QRCode scanner:

  1. Select the QRCode scanner app
  2. Focus on a GiftRocker QRCode
  3. Login
  4. Set billed amount and hit submit

Finally, enter the billed amount in your shop’s POS under your designated GiftRocker payment key. Here are a few tips to troubleshoot if you’re having issues.  If you are still having problems, please contact

Select the QRCode scanner app

Select QRCode scanner (i-nigma pictured here)

Focus on a GiftRocker QRCode

Bring QRCode into camera view. No need to press anything, camera will focus itself on the QRCode


Enter email and password supplied by your administrator

Set billing amount and hit submit

Enter billed amount and press submit

Be sure to notify the customer of remaining value on certificate


  • Redeem at table.  Do not carry away customer phone as you would a credit card.  Customers do not like this!
  • Remember the camera is in the upper right corner of the iPhone. This will help you find the QRCode.
  • If the camera is not focusing, move it slowly away from the QRCode and then slowly back towards the QRCode.
  • Troubleshooting provides some reasons why you may be having trouble with the scan.

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