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Buy someone dinner or drinks

Want to buy dinner, wine, or dessert for someone special? 


Enter the amount you'd like to gift. Only the portion used by your recipient will be charged. It's safest to enter a generous amount of $150 or more per person.


Be sure your recipient has a reservation before initiating.
No reservation? Purchase a gift card.


How it works: We receive your gift; a note is placed in your recipient's reservation. Your card will be pre-authorized. You will not be charged until your recipient dines. You will ONLY be charged the amount they spend.


After 2 pm the day of? Email us for confirmation. If you don't hear back, it might be too late.

Buy someone dinner or drinks

preauthorize any amount up to $5,000. Your credit card will be charged when used for the balance plus tax, 20% suggested gratuity + 6% employee mandate
 gratuity & mandate go directly to our staff
total preauthorized:
includes 8.63% tax
preauthorized gifts are valid for only 6 days
from (send confirmation to):
guest name:
general time of visit:
  (e.g. 5ish or 9ish)


(available characters: 100)

Billing Info  (your card will never be stored on our servers)

name from credit card and daytime phone:
billing address:

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